I miss life

Does that even make sense? Is it possible to miss life? Alright, That’s another Glen Bradford. I swear, they are becomming so numerous these days. Search google’s pictures for Glen…


After playing a couple hours of ping pong late at night, some halo, and boxing; I wondered why I was so excited for tomorrow (now today). Sadly, like GMA Wolf…

Merry Christmas

So, I am back. Back as in ready. I was born ready. No one can stop me now. I have done nothing for only a few select days check out…


So yeah. This last few days I have spent working hard over a stove for homeless people. I finally found a good use for chemistry goggles. They help a little…

So. Uh. Yeah.

It’s Monday, tomorrow I get to enjoy two finals, math and chemistry. Last time I checked, I know all the material, but we’ll see. I apparently hinted towards Drew’s stupidity…

Is she crazy?

How do you tell if someone is obsessive compulsively crazy? Here’s how I do it.liljackiforever: but shhhhhh…we never talked tonight!liljackiforever is idle at 3:08:37 AM. liljackiforever is away at 3:52:55…

Shields Up

Well, it is time to do this. I am going to be less brutally honest and install filters to filter out half of the garbage that I say in order…

Mom Rules

This is what my mom emailed me. Is it just me, or do all girls, even my mom apparently, act the same on the “internet” Haha, she’s a pharmacist and…


Have you ever? There’s this song that whenever it plays, it burns my soul and I feel like I can’t escape. I am crushed. It’s on right now. Bummer. Damnit.…