This is why I’m Write

After being successfully unpublished for one newsletter, I figure I’ll give it another shot. Honestly, odds are that these article is ‘lost.’ I am supposed to cover current events. I…

The Oct-Juner vs. Oct-Decer

Jaclyn vs. Lenka Get it on! Delta Age: 2 yearsDelta Maturity Level: 0 yearsDelta Hottness(1-10): 2 Issues: Lenka CheatedIssues: Jaclyn Cheated Problem: They both fight for me. Excursion: They both…


WHO IS NOT JUST a man, but a manly man? And who today can even say thewords ”manly man” without smirking? picture: The Manly Man is a swaggering man, carrying…


Cognitive psychologists have long known that we are very poor judgesof what makes us happy: the pleasure from money, fame, possessions,and power turns out to be quite transient (and so…

Work Mahyem

Bradford86 (7:35:44 PM): guys dont have weaknessBradford86 (7:35:45 PM): girls do.Bradford86 (7:35:48 PM): so go aheadBradford86 (7:35:49 PM): give upBradford86 (7:35:54 PM): how does that make you feel better?JLB111489 (7:36:09…

Summer School Sadness?

NAh, there’s still fun things to do on campus. Almost done siding Andy’s house. Got the test blues cause i’ve got some tests lined up this week, yum. Not much…

Music Matters

Songs That I have attributed to significant people in my lifeHoosier Main Theme -DadField of Dreams Theme -DadWhomp that Trick -Kurt KulwickiBear’s Gone Fishin’ -David MackielskiBiggest Balls of them All…

Days go by

Well, today I began my journey of pledgeship at Sigma Nu. Yesterday my BGR bracelet fell off. Tonight spring break plans look like Daytona Beach, taking the pontiac. I’ve been…

Back in Black

I’m back. Not much news. Just might get a job at Disney World or some crazy construction company out in LA… Nothing big, nothing surprising, rushing Sig-Eps or Sig Nu,…