
Losing communication is difficult. Lesson learned: Chin up, face forward. Live life in drive. A foolish man does not understand his limitations and overextends himself. A wise man knows his…


Ever feel like you are a dam opposing a streams natural flow and that you only have so much throughput capabilities and can only stand up against so much water,…

Merry Christmas

Well. I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas. Tough Luck. I was reading an excellent publication by First Trust about the market forecast for 2008, but I left it…


The stories that I know. 1. Lenka went back to florida and cheated on me. Then, she tried to seduce me until I figured out something was up. 2. Jaclyn…

Modern Portfolio Theory

Modern Portfolio TheoryIf you live and breathe in the realm of maximizing returns on a continual basis, you are probably familiar with Warren Buffet. He is the man that everyone…

Pleade: 5the

October 09War Patrick Mullin has pwned Erin. October 09 6:52pmWar Private has thrown a cow at Erin. October 09 5:27pmWar Erin has spat game at Patrick Mullin. October 09 11:32amWar…


Appreciate what you have before it is gone. Do what you can do, before you are unable to do so. Spend time with those you care about. Back when I…