Category: Investing


The government filed its omnibus motion to dismiss GSE shareholder cases pending before Judge Sweeney, and a copy of the filing is attached to this e-mail message. The government says…


The Saxton Plaintiffs notified the Eighth Circuit about the recent Collins decision and urges the Court to follow Judge Willet’s dissent.  FHFA thinks that’s a very bad idea.  Copies of…


Judge Sweeney placed her stamp of approval on the government’s request to file an 85-page omnibus motion to dismiss, and a copy of her order is attached to this e-mail…


The Eighth Circuit received and docketed the Bhatti Plaintiffs’ appeal asking for review of Judge Schiltz’s order dismissing their lawsuit in Minnesota.  The Eighth Circuit has directed the Bhatti Plaintiffs…


The Fifth Circuit released its opinion today finding that FHFA is unconstitutionally structured.  Nevertheless, the Fifth Circuit also finds that sec. 4617(f) of HERA blocks shareholders from complaining about the…