Category: Investing

$fnma #fanniegate

FHFA, Fannie, Freddie and Treasury alerted Chief Judge Reade to the Delaware Supreme Court’s recent El Paso decision as additional authority in support of their motions to dismiss the Saxton…


Fairholme doesn’t agree with FHFA’s interpretation of the recent El Paso decision, and a copy of Mr. Cooper’s letter to the D.C. Circuit expressing that is attached to this e-mail…


Three events occurred today in Ms. Robinson’s appeal pending in the Sixth Circuit: (A) Gerard J. Sinzdak, Esq., entered his appearance (Doc. 17) as another DOJ lawyer representing Treasury; (B)…


14-5243_Documents Howard Cayne at Arnold & Porter, representing FHFA, delivered a letter to the D.C. Circuit yesterday, and a copy of that letter is attached to this e-mail message.  Mr.…