Category: Investing


Treasury filed its opposition yesterday to Fairholme’s motion to supplement the record before the D.C. Circuit.  Treasury says the additional documents are unnecessary, and describes it thinks why two of…


FHFA filed a response to the Edwards Plaintiffs’ latest filing today.  FHFA urges Judge Scola to, in short, ignore the Edwards Plaintiffs, rule on the pending motion to dismiss, and…


The Edwards Plaintiffs advised Judge Scola yesterday that, on or before Feb. 15, they intend to seek reconsideration of his substitution order and oppose FHFA’s motion to dismiss.  A copy…


To wrap this matter up, FHFA, standing in the Edwards’ Plaintiffs’ shoes, filed a motion today that Deloitte does not oppose to dismiss this litigation,  A copy of FHFA’s motion…