In an order entered today, Magistrate Bowbeer says she’ll enter a pre-trial scheduling order, if necessary, after Judge Schlitz renders his decision on the upcoming cross-motions for summary judgment, and…
In an order entered today, Magistrate Bowbeer says she’ll enter a pre-trial scheduling order, if necessary, after Judge Schlitz renders his decision on the upcoming cross-motions for summary judgment, and…
The Fifth Circuit has denied Mr. Sammons’ rehearing request, and a copy of that order is attached to this e-mail message.17-50201-00514137756
Caroline Anderson, representing Treasury, entered her appearance in the consolidated class action proceeding this afternoon, and a copy of her appearance is attached to this e-mail message.13-mc-01288-0058 Caroline Anderson, representing…
http://www.schroders.com/getfunddocument?oid=1.9.2228909 Previous Months: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:z_Oh1mBSBgkJ:www.schroders.com/getfunddocument%3Foid%3D1.9.2228921+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us https://budget.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Building-a-Better-America-PDF-1.pdf
Without prejudice, Judge Maloney denied the parties request to exceed the page limits imposed by the local rules, and a copy of his order is attached to this e-mail message.17-cv-00497-0019…
In anticipation, presumably, of Judge Lamberth acting on the D.C. Circuit’s mandate in the near future, Caroline J. Anderson entered her appearance in the District Court on behalf of Secretary…
Fairholme filed a redacted copy of its Reply this afternoon, and a copy of the filing is attached to this e-mail message. It appears Fairholme redacted nothing. The filing reveals…
16-1356-0006 .. Mr. Piszel filed his Reply in support of his petition for a writ of certiorari earlier this week, and a copy is attached to this e-mail message. If…
The Roberts Plaintiffs delivered their reply brief to the Seventh Circuit today, and a copy of that filing is attached to this e-mail message. The Roberts Plaintiffs urge the Seventh…
https://economics21.org/html/treasury-should-not-bail-out-fannie%E2%80%99s-and-freddie%E2%80%99s-subordinated-debt-2521.html COMMENTARY Treasury Should Not Bail Out Fannie’s and Freddie’s Subordinated Debt AUGUST 20, 2017 REGULATIONFINANCE When the U.S. Treasury bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008,…