Author: admin


A copy of the parties’ stipulation is really attached this time, and a copy of Judge Boasberg’s order adopting the parties’ briefing schedule is also attached to this e-mail message.…


SCOTUS ruling yesterday plus the ruling yesterday that CFPB is unconstitutional might mean NWS is invalid. Christian Herzeca, a respected attorney, had this to say… scotus ruled yesterday afternoon…


18-cv-01142-0005 A copy of yesterday’s filing is really attached to this e-mail message. Judge Boasberg entered a paperless order this morning directing Mr. Angel to file any objection by June 11, 2018.


Messrs. Jacobs and Hindes delivered their reply brief to the Third Circuit, and a copy is attached to this e-mail message. Messrs. Jacobs and Hindes press their argument that because…