Author: admin

$fnma #fanniegate

Arrowwood wants Judge Sweeney’s permission to file a second amended complaint, and a copy of that request, accompanied by a copy of the amended document and a redlined version showing…


13-mc-01288-0083 The parties want Judge Lamberth to place his stamp of approval on their agreement to delay further briefing about class certification until after he’s on FHFA’s motion to dismiss, and…


The Eight Circuit issued its opinion today that Saxton v. FHFA was properly dismissed, and a copy of the decision is attached to this e-mail message.  17-1727-0029 The Fifth Circuit granted…


Oral argument before Circuit Judges Hardiman, Krause and Bibas in the Third Circuit will be held at at 9:00 a.m. on Fri., Sept. 17, in Philadelphia.  THe Court has asked the parties to…


Judge Sweeney granted the government’s motion for more time to respond to Fairholme’s motion to amend its complaint.  The government has until Fri., Aug. 31, to file its response, and a…