Author: admin


A redacted version of Fairholme’s Second Amended Complaint was filed this morning, and a copy is attached to this e-mail message. The redactions concern the GSEs reversals of their overestimated…

$Fnma #FAnniegate

Treasury responded to the Rop Plaintiffs’ submission concerning the Fifth Circuit Collins decision today, making it clear to Judge Maloney that whether FHFA is or isn’t constitutionally structured makes no…


Judge Lamberth released a memorandum opinion this afternoon dismissing shareholders’ claims for: — breach of contract; — breach of fiduciary duty; — violation of Delaware and Virginia law; and ruling…


The Rop Plaintiffs supplied Judge Maloney with a copy of the Fifth Circuit’s Collins decision today, saying that decision strongly supports Counts I and II of their complaint pending in…


Arrowood submitted a reply to Judge Sweeney asking that her order concerning the filing of amended complaints and the current briefing schedule on the government’s omnibus motion to dismiss make…


FHFA filed its’ response to the Collins Plaintiffs’ rehearing request today.  FHFA agrees with Treasury that anything the Collins Plaintiffs want reviewed shouldn’t be.  A copy of FHFA’s filing is…