Author: admin

Wazee v. U.S.

At Judge Sweeney’s behest, the Wazee Plaintiffs filed a notice confirming their voluntary dismissal of derivative claims against Fannie Mae from their second amended complaint, and a copy of that…

Wazee v. U.S.

The government delivered its short reply in support of its motion to dismiss the Wazee Plaintiffs’ second amended complaint to Judge Sweeney this afternoon, and a copy’s attached to this…

Collins v. FHFA

The Fifth Circuit released its opinion yesterday rejecting shareholders’ claims that HERA’s unconstitutional removal restriction caused them harm and declining to review their Appropriations Clause claim.  A copy of the…

Wazee v. U.S.

Wazee filed its response to the government’s motion to dismiss today, reminding Judge Sweeney it intends to ask the Federal Circuit to review its rulings in Fairholme and requesting she…