Author: admin


The Federal Circuit received three last-minute supplemental briefs from the parties Friday, and copies of those filings are attached to this e-mail message.  The Clerk has confirmed the Fairholme hearing…

$fnma #fanniegate

Washington Federal delivered its supplemental brief to the Federal Circuit Friday, and a copy’s attached to this e-mail message.  In light of the Collins decision, Washington Federal is abandoning its…

$fnma #fanniegate

Attached to this e-mail message are the supplemental briefs filed in the Federal Circuit yesterday.  The government, in short, says the Collins decision says it’s over and shareholders lose.  The…


Judge Lamberth entered an order yesterday giving the parties additional time for discovery-related conversations and setting Tues., Aug. 3, as the deadline for Treasury to respond to Fairholme’s still-sealed motion…


With Fairholme’s consent, Treasury is asking Judge Lamberth to extend the deadline for its response to Fairholme’s sealed discovery motion to Tues., Aug. 3, to allow negotiations with Fairholme to…