$685 Billion China
Alright, here’s how I see it. In the past, China has been using it’s Yuan to buy dollars to artificially deflate it’s currency to promote us buying their finished goods…
China Stimulus Plan
China to launch $586B stimulus plan My companies that should sky-rocket: GHIIXINEJ
XIN announced a $10 Million share repurchase. Investors get to vote December 4th The first proxy enables the buybackthe second proxy ammends their statements to include the buybackand the third…
cbi to bucy
Alright, i just spent 2 hours scouring annual and quarterly reports and statements. I am selling CBI in my accounts and buying BUCY. CBI has had some cost issues and…
Dean, LFCI had issues pulling data for LFC. I did find an article: http://biz.yahoo.com/zacks/081027/15517.html?.v=1 I couldn’t read their website either. I am not sure that I trust any of the…
Global Markets
Russia is down about 75% over the last 6 months.Europe is down about 40% by rough guestimates over the same period.Asia is down about 50% over the last year.The Bovespa…
Buy Russia ?
CEDC is my favorite. i guaranteed it (i never do this.. this was a first) about a week ago. So far, so good., went from 20 to 30.. i sold…
AOB MTW January 2010 calls
Greg I bought the calls at an average price of $6, they’re at about $9-11 now. Anyway, tomorrow I’m buying calls on MTW and AOB. CEDC is still the way…