Author: admin


Looks to me like the market bottomed. PE was roughly 7. We’ve had lots of ridiculous stimulus. I haven’t looked at the russian market, but it will bottom when oil…


Bank of America – Now is a good time to buy January 2011 Calls on BAC. Also, expect to see HIG beat the market this next week. It’s at $14.59,…

Barrel of Oil

Hey, in case you read my last post on the price of a barrel of oil, I now would like to revise my last statement. It’s going to fall. The…


opportunity of a lifetime? “Analysts and others speculating that we’ll violate our covenants” “Most of this is the result of incorrect calculations” “Historically speaking, recessions are favorable for us” Looking…


Data Triumphs EducationbyGlen Bradford I thought it would be difficult to find overpriced companies. I was wrong. Even in an environment like this — I was able to find people…

The Pursuit

Wall Street is known for taking the brightest of minds and curb stomping their faces on the patio out back. In the past 3 months I’ve learned a lot about…

Reasons to buy

Happy Thanksgiving! Right now might not be the greatest time to buy since the market’s been leaping off it’s bottom. I think there’s still room for downside — but I’m…

My Call Stocks

Half Down! Let’s make 100% to break-even! Just For the record, In case you can’t read my main holdings changes by looking at my Validation pictures, here’s my open positions.…


I was asked this weekend to look into POT, Potash Corporation. I ran my analysis incredibly conservatively and simply assumed that the entire last year’s incomes were unjustified. Based on…