Another reason the banks will probably refinance YLO:


Here is how it may unfold in the next 24 months:


– Economy picks up steam.

– YLO is able to refinance.

– Businesses start to advertise more.

– YLO pays off most of their debt.

– Banks are happy.

– YLO starts up divvies again.

– Bradford and Lestat are running around as multi-millionaires shouting: “I told you so” to anyone who cares to listen.

– chuck the woodchuck is miserable because of this turnaround which mystifies him.

– more people invest in PVR’s and stop watching TV ads.

– Chuck the Woodchuck Emporium of TV & Radio Advertising implodes.

– YLO sends their debt collectors after chuck the woodchuck due to his failure to pay for his print and online listings.

– his beloved Canucks make the playoffs again for the next 3 years in a row but fail to get anywhere.

– we all wave goodbye to chuck the woodchuck as he gets carted off to the mental assylum

– In the assylum chuck the woodchuck gets even crazier when he is unable to tell the difference between “your” and “you’re”, after being quizzed on it by his psychiatrist.

– YLO goes on it’s merry way for another 100 years….


Canada should be firing on all cylinders by next year, report says


OTTAWA— From Thursday’s Globe and Mail
Last updated 


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The Canadian economy is on track to regain its full productive capacity sometime early next year, according to the Bank of Canada.

That means plants going at full tilt and the economy soaking up all spare resources.

Wednesday’s quarterly monetary policy report from the central bank acknowledged there’s less “slack” in the economy than it thought just a few months ago as spending by businesses and consumers picks up.

But that doesn’t mean life’s good for all Canadian workers.

The report pointed ominously to a “persistence” of excess supply of labour – in recent months, and for the near future.

And that’s in spite of a monster job creation month in March, when 82,300 jobs were added. Indeed, the economy has now recovered all of the 430,000 jobs lost in the recession and added an additional 180,000.

But Scotia Capital economist Derek Holt said the monthly “body count” of jobs is less important than what’s happening to paycheques. He said Canadians are barely keeping up with inflation.

“People are not making anything beyond putting gas in their car, filling their grocery carts and heating their homes,” he said.

Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney expects the so-called output gap to close sometime early next year.

But many private-sector economists, including Mr. Holt, aren’t so sure.

“There’s more slack in the economy than the Bank of Canada is estimating, bottom line,” Mr. Holt said. “Add it all up and you have cause to worry about the consumer.”

Part of the problem, Mr. Holt suggested, is that many companies are investing in capital spending, such as plant and equipment, rather than labour.

Mr. Carney said this week that the bank is pondering an eventual move higher in its key interest rate, from its current rock-bottom level of 1 per cent.

But some economists say those rate hikes may be delayed – precisely because the labour market remains weak. Mr. Holt, for example, is calling for rate hikes to begin in the third quarter of next year.

The financial crisis and the deep recession left a profound effect on the Canadian labour market, in spite of the relatively rapid recovery of the jobs lost, pointed out Toronto-Dominion Bank economist Francis Fong.

“A weaker pace of jobs growth isn’t necessarily inconsistent with the output gap closing,” Mr. Fong said. “There’s a lot going on behind those jobs numbers and the output gap.”

Mr. Fong said part of the labour conundrum is a growing skills mismatch in Canada – a problem highlighted by Mr. Carney in a speech earlier this month.

“Workers in declining industries may not have the skills or experience to match immediately the needs of employers in expanding industries,” Mr. Carney said.

So while many Canadian companies are thriving, they sometimes can’t get the skilled workers they need to “go beyond that level, to push past where they are,” TD’s Mr. Fong remarked.

also, this is interesting:

By admin