China Conducts Emergency Reverse Repos To Calm Money Market Liquidity, Fails, As 2 Week SHIBOR Hits 8.6%

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Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/20/2011 23:24 -0400

Yesterday, when we pointed out the surge in the overnight SHIBOR, many were quick to dismiss this dramatic contraction in liquidity, because it happened to be a replica of a comparable such move before the Lunar New Year which did not end result in an end of the world type event. And while many ignored this very disturbing interbank lending lock up sign, there was someone who did not: the PBoC. According to Market News, “The People’s Bank of China has conducted reserve bond repurchase agreements with at least one bank in a bid to ease liquidity conditions, local media reports said Tuesday. The National Business Daily cited an interbank market trader as saying the central bank injected at least CNY50 billion into the China Construction Bank on Monday via a 14-day reverse repo at 7.5%.” Which incidentally is how it should be done: want to get emergency funding from your central bank? Sure. But it will cost you a whopping 7.5%. Now the question of whether CNY50 billion is enough (and in related news, the USDCNY parity just dropped to a fresh all time record low of 6.4690) is a different matter altogether: we expect to get today’s updated SHIBOR fixing any second, and have a feeling more reverse repos will have to be injected before this is over.



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