After reviewing all of the reasoning behind ambiogenic oil, I am pretty sure that ambiogenic oil is false.

This means that the peak oil hypothesis is still in play. If you are still interested in believing in abiogenic petroleum, you might also want to look at who supports that hypothesis. Supporters of that hypothesis are mostly people that believe that the government has remote mind control ability powers, aliens are on the dark side of the moon, Barak Obama is out there to take down the USA, Y2K was going to end the world, there are Government sponsored concentration camps around the United States, etc.

Note that the developers of the hypothesis (russians), don’t really use it anymore. Also, it is my understanding that in the last 50 years our ability to analyze the source components of oil has increased significantly and 99.9% of oil is not ambiogenic… which begs the question: If oil is ambiogenic, where is the ambiogenic oil? Apparently Thomas Gold is joked about in industry for wasting all that money drilling dry holes.

In summary, the argument and supporters for there being an abundant supply of oil defy my personal laws of commerce and require levels upon levels of conspiracy theory for you to believe in them. My basic law is that if it is profitable, people will do it. Drilling oil is profitable, if peak oil was a myth — you would think that there would be people around the world using ambiogenic techniques to flood the oil markets with cheap oil and make obnoxious profits with oil prices as high as they are. As you have it, I can’t really get into the conspiracy. Based on my understanding of how advanced technology is and how most of the improvments have come in the last 20 years, the human condition, and people’s biases — I am not a believer in ambiogenic oil /abiotic petroleum. There is far more evidence suggesting that peak oil is upon us and that hypothesis is far easier to support and it is within my realm of expectations given my axioms.

By admin