I’m looking for someone who would be interested in working together to assist in writing articles for free covering the S&P500 — and that’s just for starters.

I’ve tried to do this myself, but the task is far to overwhelming to actually complete that I haven’t even gotten started, not to mention that I’m only interested in:

1. Pricing all of the companies individually (I can do this easily in very little time). I have done this before and that’s how I called the market bottom in 2009 in the USA/Russia and the Hang Seng Bottom in 2008.

2. At the end summarizing our findings using sector comparisons, etc.

3. Helping someone who is on the sidelines get a lot of publicity.

What you’ll get from this:

1. You’ll see first hand how I price companies very quickly.

2. You’ll be put up along with myself as dual authors of this series.

3. You’ll get the experience of quickly pricing the S&P500.

Odds are we will probably start with the DOW 30.

What you’ll be given:

I will rapidly price companies and throw out price ranges and garbled data that I think is somewhat relevant for each company.

At that point, I would expect that you turn this into an article that is snappy, concise, witty, and very laid back.

I figure the most qualified people for this are readers of my blog. Second to that, I will be polling University Students.

At the end of this, I think we could easily give a better EPS estimate for the S&P500 than anyone else out there. How hard can it be?

The timeline start to finish would be 2 months. We’d be going at a pace of about 10 companies a day. I’d probably have a head start on pricing these and then we’d go from there to see how things progress.

Well, that’s it. If you’re interested, let’s do this.

Most people would consider this impossible but… we’ll show them.

What are you waiting for?

By admin