bki – no
lby – no
f – no
jada – yes
dis – no
stx – no
SRRYQ – .25 – bankruptcy? probably not but people seem to say “yes” just not me.
kun – nah
uec – no idea
ng – not my favorite gold play like it was 4 months ago. higher prices 🙁 still lots of upside / buyout potential
mcox – lol??? no
etm – nah
AKRK – cut it back to $0.20 again
CAGM – cut in half
CGDI – what a cluster… eff. this is a situation where “knowing what’s actually happening” could be hugely profitable.
CGYV – nah
CHCG – lol
CHGI – cheap again
CIWT – nah
CKGT – ya
CNOA – nah
CRUI – ? maybe.
CSGJ – maybe
CSOL – maybe
CXDC – maybe, prolly not
FUQI – maybe
GCHT – maybe
HFGB – maybe
JADA  – maybe
NEP  – maybe
NEWN  – maybe
ORS – lol no
SCLX – mmmmmmm, not now
SCOK – lol no
SGZH – i dont know… 2morrowsgains is overly optimistic i think. i dunno.
SOPW – blah
WEMU – jimmy! blah
CCGY – hmmm..
CGDI – good work cgdi.
CGYV – nah
CHCG- nah
CHFI- nah
NEWN – lt winner
CHME – i still like this one. not sure why… mr. hawaii told me radtZ was awesome.
CKGT – yep.
NEP – prolly yes
CNOA – lol
CPHI – looks great long term to me just briefing.
CHNR – nah
CSGH – get cheaper please
CHWY – ?
CNYD – lt winner
CGDI – nah
CYXN – expansion on falling revenues/earnings?
FEEC – nah
FUFW – nah
GFRE – nah
GHII – yeah
GU – guess i’m supposed to like this for peak oil?
JADA – yeah
LPIH – lph yeah
LTUS – yeah
SBAY – yeah
NFES – ?
PFAP – ?
PHIE – no
PUDC – puda/old pudz/ yes
SCLX – scei – maybe.
CHNG – cut in half
SNEN – nah
SRRY – srryq ??
CHLN – nah
GSI – nah
CSUN – maybe
CSOL – maybe
CDBT – how is this back up to $0.06? shorts covering?
SGAS – no idea, probably a x3er or more?
LEGE – nah
SUTR – forward pe of 4. cut it in half, $1.85, but prolly a doubler

By admin