hqge – too expensive
dang – no
txicw – waiting to hear back from the company on the terms of the warrants / txic
CNWD – i think this was the one that had more shares to issue than their authorized before the r/s and were going to issue after the r/s – no thanks at this price
AJGH – hear they sell shares and are good at it
CEHD – digging deeper
CNTF false = “You are getting the company for free at 3.9 ” – untrue – too expensive for me, check out liabilities, etc.
CNVP – still too expensive for me, but i’ll call it buyable
WATG – nah but cut the price in 1/3 and i’ll buy
NFEC – looks cheap. but my eps estimate was way high.. no — unless this last quarter wasn’t as bad as it looked at a glance
XIN – not sure — looks cheap though i think? earnings $0.50 i think, — result-nope but Price is implying assets (which is all inventory and cash) are worth only 60% of what’s on the books. definately a doubler
CISG – nah
MY – nah
TSTC – give it a year or a few years to play out 🙂
GU – waiting to hear about the tax thing. could be awesome
QXM/XING – still don’t like the chairman although he could be awesome.. just seems like he gets a good deal everytime. it was a net cash/arbitrage play.. and he screwed it up. thanks chairman
KUN – no
NCTY – great 4 year chart but the financials suck too.
BKE – no
SKX – no
3SBio, Inc. (SSRX) – no
Agfeed Industries Inc. (FEED) – no
AgriSolar Solutions, Inc. (AGSO) – cut the price in half and yes.
American Dairy (ADY) – no
American Lorain Corp. (ALN) – cut the price in half and maybe
ArtChina/CAE Media – private
Asia Entertainment and Resources (AERL) – great long term idea. not absurdly cheap. but cheap.
Asia Pacific Wire and Cable (AWRCF) – cut price in half and yes
AutoChina International (AUTC) – nah
Befut International Co Ltd. (BFTI) – cut price in half and yes
Beijing Wowjoint Machinery (BWOW) – anything less than $5 is a gift.
Biostar Pharmaceuticals, Inc (BSPM) – i believe so, yes
China Advanced Construction Materials Group (CADC) – i think this is the one that… i like cnam more.
China Agritech, Inc. (CAGC) -no
China Armco Metals (CNAM) – yes
China BAK Battery, Inc. (CBAK) – no
China Biologic Products, Inc. (CBPO) – cut that price down and i’ll consider
China Ceramics Co., Ltd. (CCLTF) – cccl ccclw – yes
China Clean Energy Inc (CCGY) – maybe… i dunno
China Cord Blood Corporation (CO) – nah
China Direct Industries (CDII) – bleh…?
China Education Alliance (CEU) – truth or dare right now. so no. but if you’re a trader, trade this thing. odds are it is real
China Electric Motor (CELM) – chart of financials is good, price in half looks good, prolly a doubler
China Energy Recovery (CGYV) – no unless i’m missing something?
China Environment Protection Inc. (CNVP) P/E of 3? yep. growth? yep. $1.85
China Executive Education Corp. (CECX) – nah
China GengSheng Minerals (CHGS) – bleh
China Gerui Advanced Materials Group (CHOP) – maybe
China Green Agriculture, Inc. (CGA) – blah
China Green Materials Technologies (CAGM) – small but great financials chart, out of my price range
China HGS Real Estate Inc. (CAHS) – cut the price in 1/3 and we’ll talk
China Hydroelectric Corporation (CHC) – no clue. lots of trading and then less less less
China Integrated Energy (CBEH) – cut the price in half, and i’ll buy
China Jo-Jo Drugstore (CJJD) – supposed to be ramping up huge – but i’ll sit tight
China Marine Food Group Limited (CMFO) – cut in 1/3 and i’ll buy
China MediaExpress Holdings (CCME) – oh this is soo fun
China New Media Corp (CMDI) – nah get cheaper, why is this public?
China Nuokang Bio-Pharma (NKBP) – another growth chart financially ignored, cut it in 1/3 and i’ll buy
China Oumei Real Estate Inc. – private
China Pharma Holdings, Inc. (CPHI) – cut it in 1/2 and i’ll prolly buy
China Redstone Group (CGPI) – missed the private placement, looking to add around their price.
China Ritar Power Corp (CRTP) – sitting on the sidelines, cut the price in 1/5 and i might reconsider.
China RuiTai International Holdings Co, Ltd (CRUI) – huge debt burden – nah
China Shuangji Cement Ltd. (CSGJ) – cut the price in half please
China Yida Holding Co (CNYD) – half off please
ChinaCast Education Corporation (CAST) – cut in 1/10 please
ChinaNet Online Holdings (CNET) – cut in at least half … this is small too.
Dehaier Medical System (DHRM) – cheap and small – too small for me i think.
Eastern Environment Solutions (EESC) – prolly not
Emerald Dairy, Inc. (EMDY) – nah

siaf – dividend is in question, wait
sokf – guess eps is .39 and price is 4.25, too expensive, my eps target was .85

cgsxf – guess eps of 2 would be a good match and 30% growth, who knows the price. my personal eps calculation: =29/20
SPRD – out of my price range
OKRG – nah
avnr -no
NSFDF – peak oil play
qtww – peak oil hydrogen play
Mina-mar client list reads like a retired hitmans trophy list…

By admin