I miss life


Jan 4, 2006

Does that even make sense? Is it possible to miss life? Alright, That’s another Glen Bradford. I swear, they are becomming so numerous these days. Search google’s pictures for Glen Bradford and .. wow. I am am one of many.

I accidently slept through … well maybe a little bit purposely … a movie night at Allison W’s house yesterday. I slept 16 hours straight, new record. And Ryan, no, it was not the greatest thing ever. Wasting 16 hours straight is never a good use of time. But hey, Ball Stating and Ryan Smithing and Danny, both of ’em, and Jim Barrett and EHUM crew and Jacob Carnick, David nice labtop, happy birthday kyle, fun break. It’s hard to say that I did nothing this break, because although it felt like i was doing nothing ALL the time, in reality, I probably only did nothing about 20% of the time I was awake, and I actually studied. It will be interesting to see how much of it I remember. Blah. Who cares.

Well, the neighborhood crew all got myspaces, the first step in wasting god’s gift of life. From ages 8-17, they are all about blogging and myspacing it up. Gosh, will society ever learn? I sure hope not! Billy Bob Bradford, Bradskey, u the champ man.

By admin