Shields Up


Dec 3, 2005

Well, it is time to do this. I am going to be less brutally honest and install filters to filter out half of the garbage that I say in order to protect my reputation and the reputation of those around me. Up until now, I have realized that you are only as cool as other people think you are. If everyone around you respects you, then you have it made; and while it takes years to build up a reputation, it only takes 5 seconds to destroy it.

Boiler Up? No football this weekend. Last night I met a bunch of people that I enjoyed hanging out with. We went to Sigma Pi. I don’t really know how we always keep ending up there except for that it’s really close and it’s really easy to get into. Danny has been getting bids and stuff from there without even trying. The whole house wants to take him, just him, out to dinner.

To sum it all up, I am pretty much learning how to enjoy myself and maximize the enjoyment of others while they are around me. Since my goal in life is to maximize my fun across the span of my lifetime, I have developed a few substrategies like ensuring that those around me are enjoying themselves as much as I am, if possible. This way, I am enjoyed and they will consider contacting me when they have fun opportunities.

One thing that I don’t like… (this is hard because … i do what i like) I don’t like stupid homework, like coloring.

One thing that I like… I like dancing, especially with girls that know how to dance.

By admin