Your name is Glen too?

Yep, you’d think so. Because I can’t drive to their HQ’s because they are in China and deliver a punch to the face of top management, I diversify across my top ideas. I figure a couple of these companies will screw me and that by diversification I can slowly eliminate this risk.

For example, CYXI is a company that I’ve been watching. They closed their factory and their CFO quit as well as some plant auditors. I still have no idea what the hell is going on — but until I do I am not buying. The greatest risk is of course taking a dumb one. Granted, all of these companies could be lying to me. Maybe I’m a sucker for a great story?

I believe that these opportunities exist because nobody else knows about them. As their stories propagate the public investing community — I’ve developed a theory that the market makers must first drive their stock price to bargain prices for people like me to start buying them and spreading the word. I figure they might dump 10% of the company at retardedly low prices just to get enough trading.

I tried to write an article China MicroCRAPS? To illustrate this perspective. Didn’t get run. Fortunately, the head of seekingalpha is now on my side.

So yeah, I deal in probabilities and estimations and I do my best to eliminate the risk of loss on each investment. I do this by making sure they SAY they are profitable, check the cash from operations, ORS didn’t do that, whoops! Not on my buy list anymore. I dumped at $1.04 for 300% profit. I got lucky. But I know so much about statistics that I know how people use them to lie and actually used them back in the day to illustrate that people that say stuff in Psychology is statistically significant are just playing a fools game. I read the Black Swan, Blew my mind.

I also make sure that they SAY they are growing and are selling less than their CHINESE Book Value, which could be more lies. Then, they have to be cheap as all get out and I’m in like rumplestiltskin.

All this leads me to my main point. Uncertainty will certainly work for me, not against me.

Hope this helps,

Glen Bradford

From: igt500
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 4:26 PM
To: gbradfo
Subject: Chinese microcaps..

Hi Glen,

Nice work your doing! Actually it looks to good to be true.. and that’s what worries me.

Accounting fraud runs rampid in micro caps as I’m sure you are aware of.. but how can we be more certain they are safe?

I also wonder why there are no serious insider purchases at these levels? Though I realize some insiders do have large positions already.. however.. why haven’t they purchasing more at these insane prices? Not to mention the institutions that have extremely small positions in some of these stocks.. why haven’t they purchased more? Can it be that they are all restricted from buying micro caps?

I have purchased small quantities of shares in some of these companies.
Can you offer additional information even for a fee.. that may prompt me to invest a greater dollar amount?

Please advise.. I look forward to hearing from you.

Glen ~(not Glen Bradford — is this another Glen? or did he just put my name?)

By admin