First, we select those companies in industries which we believe are strong and growing. Second, most companies must have existing profitability with several years of track record of consecutive financial performance. Third, we must believe the company has significant growth potential in terms of annualized growth rate. Lastly, we only select those companies which we believe have strong management teams.

Looks like it could be selling for less than Net Cash as of April 1st.

CHFI, Current Price $0.07, it traded as low as $0.05 this week. The huge selling volume is dissipating.

This is kind of what like Buffett did. He bought undervalued companies that bought undervalued companies. He met these companies at shareholder conferences.

People brag about 10-baggers. Nobody really brags about 100-baggers. They don’t need to. Their reputation proceeds them. I’m stepping this one up. See you at Legendary Status.

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