Judge Lamberth’s courtroom deputy made a notation on the docket relating the jury heard testimony from Don Layton (by video deposition) and received live testimony from Dr. Mukarram Attari today.  The trial will continue 10:00 a.m. Monday morning. 

Judge Lamberth denied FHFA’s, Fannie and Freddie’s request for a jury instruction about the 10% cash dividend and 12% PIK penalty, told the parties they need to be careful talking about that PSPA feature, and will consider a motion to strike or respect for a curative instruction about Dr. Dharan’s description that disn’t perfectly align with the words the High Court used in the Collins decision.  A copy of Judge Lamberth’s seven-page order (Doc. 350) is attached to this e-mail message.

Shareholders want Judge Lamberth to prohibit FHFA, Fannie and Freddie from showing or telling the jury anything about movements in the Enterprises’ stock prices after Aug. 17, 2012, and a copy of that request (Doc. 349) is attached to this e-mail message.

In a notice (Doc. 348) filed today the parties alerted Judge Lamberth they’ve agreed what the jury should be told about prejudgment interest under Virginia law, thus resolving
FHFA, Fannie and Freddie’s motion (Doc. 303) filed June 9. 

In a motion (Doc. 347) filed today FHFA, Fannie and Freddie complain about exchanges during cross-examination of Mr. Satriano about a DTA analysis document that made it sound to the jury like the document was improperly withheld from shareholders.  The trio wants Judge Lamberth to tell the jury that’s incorrect.  A copy of that request’s attached to this e-mail message.

By admin