The parties delivered nine documents to Judge Lamberth this past week discussing what the jury should see and hear during the second trial. Five are sealed and unavailable to the public at this time. Copies of the other four:
— Doc. 301 to deter Ross Kari from portraying forward looking statements in SEC filings as facts;
— Doc. 303 tinkering with jury instructions;
— Doc. 307 to block the use of five Treasury documents; and
— Doc. 308 in which FHFA withdraws a sealed request to limit testimony by Bala Dharan in light of Judge Lamberth’s June 2 opinion;
are attached to this e-mail message.
Bhatti v. FHFA: The Clerk alerted the parties the Eight Circuit would like to hear oral argument and has asked them to identify scheduling conflicts. Oral arguments for this term end this week and oral arguments for the next term start on Sept. 18.
Rop v. FHFA: The Rop Plaintiffs were unable to persuade at least four justices to review the Sixth Circuit’s ruling.