(1 year later after I wrote it)

July 13, 2012 3:00AM EST

I sit before you, at the age of 25, having everything going for me in life and simultaneously experiencing what amounts to an epic level of indifference after going on Stupid Tour 2012 with my father where I realized that I actually don’t need to worry about getting fired because I can collect unemployment for over a year. Coincidentally, within that time frame I anticipate that I will have confirmation of a binary outcome on my “big crazy investment idea” of 2012. This idea at its present valuation will return roughly 77x my money. Effectively, I have allocated such that it will return to me a “lifetime of labor earnings” — you know, the total aggregate amount of me maintaining my present compensation rate across my entire lifetime. So, if I am right, I have just scored the epic life shortcut of clicking a few buttons to replace decades of employment.

This is a lot like winning the lottery. People buy lottery tickets as a sort of insurance whereby they have a chance to retire in the face of decades of bad decisions. Buying lottery tickets is perhaps

God I’m so lazy that I can’t even finish this post.

Tl;dr I’ll post it anyway, but it is my perception that yellow money is perhaps the easiest way to strike it rich right now in the world, as such, it leaves me completely unmotivated to do ANYTHING until they tell me that I am right or wrong (the outcome is known).

And then the funny thing is that even if it hits, somehow that is going to be motivating because now I will have the free cash flow to:

  1. Finish my book with the help of editors because, let’s be honest, there are only 2 ways I’m going to finish this.
    1. I need goal-buddy.com to contact me and allow me to start mentoring that way
    2. I need to either fail or succeed in yellow media, which is taking priority of my life

i.      Yellow media is even taking priority of my drinking and social and all of those budgets right now..

  1. Whatever I want, whenever I want to. Suddenly I am free from the perceptual burden that I have to do anything.

By admin