I gotta hand it to him. That’s exactly what it’s like.

Maybe one day I’ll commit to this blog enough to write out full sentences and make it something that the average person can follow. Gold is way overvalued, Buffett is right. Lots of bubbles out there right now, gold, housing, but you make the most money finding the ones that crash the hardest and go up the fastest. Right now that’s Silver. i’m short silver, have been for a day now, i’m long ZSL and will sit on it for a while, maybe i’ll sell tomorrow, i dont know.

seems to me like anything could happen. but it also looks like there is a lot of trading that happened above the current price on silver. that usually leads to lower prices. the counter to this is that silver is a really small market and even if the entire silver market and all the participants start crashing, perhaps global governments will come in and buy up silver to avoid the dollar? a dollar rally, oil falling, gold falling — all help my silver short.

By admin