To be honest, I just stopped caring about putting words along with these price ranges and submitting it to SA. It’s just not worth it to me. I mean, I don’t own them, what’s the point, right? When there is no point, I don’t put in much additional effort.

those can be found here and here

MRK – $35-$40

MSFT – $28-$35

PFE – Terrible with acquisitions, building an empire instead of shareholder value. $15-$20

PG – $60-$70

T – $25-$35

TRV – $50-$60

UTX – $75-$85

VZ – $35-$40

WMT – $55-$65

XOM – $80-$95

Sad part is that after doing this analysis I felt really generous. I didn’t take into account the systemic risk of peak oil, high inflation, or an event that is otherwise unpredictable. Maybe I was sad because I look at companies at 1/5th the price of these for earnings growing 5x as fast? I dunno. Glad I got to recalibrate my mental framework though.

Disclosure: I don’t own anything mentioned, except lots of products that these companies make. It’s impossible not to.

By admin