I was bored… read your blog

Here’s my lightning round on your tickers

AKRK – maybe after r/s
bki – no idea
CAGM – nope, exporter
CCGY – too expensive
CDBT – lol
CGDI – what a cluster… eff. this is a situation where “knowing what’s actually happening” could be hugely profitable. AGREED
CGYV – still pink?
CHCG – joke of a company
CHFI – scam
CHGI – always looked like garbage to me
CHGY – maybe some day
CHLN – cheap, won’t like rate hike
CHME – loser, and no pharma stuff for me
CHNG – nope
CHNR – nah
CHWY – never heard of
CIWT – nah
CKGT – yep.
CNOA – joke of a company
CNYD – 20% lower yes
CPHI – nope, no pharmaceuticals
CRUI – yes
CSGH – below .70 maybe
CSGJ – yes, cheap
CSOL – low .20’s
CSUN – no
CXDC – yes, lt winner
CYXN – no pharmas, just a gamble
FEEC – lol, maybe below .20
FUFW – no idea what that is
FUQI – immediately after they sorted out their shit
GCHT – not anymore
GFRE – yes, but cheaper
GHII – cheap, won’t like rate hike
GSI – steel, no thanks
GU – no
HFGB – definitely
JADA – definitely below .20
kun – nah
LPH – yes
LTUS – yeah
mcox – never understand why people would buy clothes online
NEP – yes, at 5
NEWN – yes
ORS – they are DEAD
PFAP – no idea what that is
PHIE – kinda, yes
PUDA – below $10
SBAY – no, looks like a trial and error business model
SCLX – after secondary yes
SCOK – no, maybe mid-2011
SGAS – too small for their industry (see CNER)
SGZH – yes, tgt $12 for 2011
SNEN – what is that?
SOPW – this is a joke
SRRY – sure
SUTR – no steel here
uec – no idea
WEMU – liars

By admin