So, as is often the case, I was doing a lot of nothing and was trying to identify irrational fears that I have. I have the fear of argument, the fear of tipping (I don’t like it and have a tendency to overtip and have traveled miles on foot and avoided food delivery like the plague). Anyway, I found a list of phobias online and thought it would be interesting to talk about a few of them that caught my eye.

Phronemophobia – or the fear of thinking, is something that you might acquire if you are easily indoctrinated and is a phobia that I do not have. Some people prefer to be ordered around rather to think for themselves.

Gnosiophobia – or the fear of knowledge, is confusing to me. I just find it difficult to fear knowing things. I tend to operate in such a way that I’m always trying to expand my bounded rationality.

Doxophobia – or the fear of expressing opinions or receiving praise is one that I can relate to. I’ve become fairly afraid to express my opinions. In fact, doing so has cost me a lot of money. My opinions are usually related to stocks that I’d like to own and let’s just say that it’s been costly to express them in the past.

Anyway, I couldn’t find phobias for what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of overpaying. I’m afraid of higher prices. I’m afraid of having to argue terms — I prefer the terms to just be laid in front of me and I get to say yes or no. Where’s the phobia? Buffephobia? But in terms of being afraid of lower prices? Not really. I realized the other day that a reason that I’m not purchasing a particular company, in fact, the only reason — was that I was afraid that the price may go lower. Everything else stacked up. In fact, it’s the most undervalued company on my screen. So… I bought.

And then, to close, people even fear things that don’t even exist. How do you have a fear of the Bogeyman? Bogyphobia

By admin