liz – no
tpi – pretty good, prolly a doubler i dont own.
caah – no profits
snbp – no
axti – no
NNA – no – but fernando says you wont lose money in the long haul, i tend to agree, but dont know (this applies to warrants)
CCKH – no
ccgy – buy this dip when the downward slope slows to a flat. 4/12/2010
boph – dont understand the shareholder structure
srre – nice last couple quarters, mostly due to increases in underwriting sales, which they call “this higher risk business model” also bad balance sheet — pass
aclo – low margins, strong turn around play, could be a tripler or more, but i dont like it positive vibe: “The Company predicts that the supply shortage will continue in 2010, while the average selling price and demand for memory components will be steady. The Company believes its sales turnover and gross profit margin will continue to increase in 2010 as the Company is expanding its business.”
aerlf – dont like the business model
chhe – be careful, auditing firm warns of fraud essentially… company claims to be moving around suitcases full of money
gntq – 1.1M shares + dilution (18.6+.6+2.7+1.7+1.7) = 26.4M shares o/s 11.8M net income, 35M revs, guidance of 15M, .62 per share for 2010 eps
gntq – analysis continued, last time they raised 7.7M, in 2006, in 2007 they made 4.8M, and in 2008 they made 11.8M (from what looks like no additional financing)
gntq – they just cut a dividend for 13.1M in sept 2009, draining the business of cash
gntq – projection time: so they’ll put down 11.8M in income this year just on what they have going, not including the 7.7M of cash they just got. so add 11.8+4.8, and that’s where they’re getting their 15M estimate for 2010
gntq – if they can keep that up, they’ll have 15M in cash going into 2011 and every dollar in cash turning into $0.80 in profits turns 27M in profits
gntq – around $1/share in 2011. the question is how long is this business this scalable?, they just ipoed at 2.7 with warrants, suggesting an opening p/e of 2.5-5, most of the company is still held by ceo (80%) – prolly looking to do another dilution at a higher price
lwll – too small
FLSW – revisited – way too small, unpredictable, feel free to correct me, looks cheap, hank play – this requires a second glance, definately
CRJI – revisited – nah – underperformer in this construction market/year .02 last quarter, could be cheap, worth another look
cckh – nah
sgla – nah – 104M common shares, 1.65M preferreds x 11.36 = 18.74M common + 38.7M outstanding warrants = 161M shares * .45 = 72M market cap = 3x book, .75x sales, P/E = 14.4
lndt – old rmsi – pricey
cfmi – illiquid – not stupid cheap

By admin