got an email on ATPG below, anyone know how to value this?
ATPG – They have recently completed the installation of the Titan, their new platform to extrect oil and gas from the GOM. They are currently priced at WAY below book value. Furthermore they are within days of announcing first flow from their Telemark field, that will provide a boost to their stock price. When the flow is started, that will clear the way for the monetization (sale) of part of the Titan platform, worth well over $600 mill. Plus they will probably jointly announce sale of the pipeline infrastructure that will acrry the oil and gas to the US. That will boost the price further. This may be a good time to get into the stock. I personally bought in at an avg price of $5.25, it’s now at $18.00+. Over the next 2-3 years, it has the potential to go to over $100, imo.

rgr – probably a doubler (at most) – undervalued (i dont think that based on listening to the conference call that this is as seasonal as what it’s priced to be… lean appears to be taking hold)
csr – their backlog is understated (i sat through their presentation in NYC and happened to accidently walk into their CFO and got to shoot questions at him for a bit (i dont think he knows me))
djsp – yes
dati – really small. probably looking to do a capital raise…
chtl – tobin kind of rubs me wrong
cpby – out of my price range
ctfo – probably a doubler (just looked 2 seconds)
CSNH – hmmm… maybe.
enhd – yep
TOD – what’s the shareholder structure?
cmdi – really small
bfar – sure
CMKM – tooo small
rhgp – big board in 2 years.
NTRI – not interested
rcon – cheap but small.. most likely at least a doubler
wwin – cheap but not cheap enough. some would say expensive by my criteria

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