kndi – not my type as far as i can tell.
cbte – nah
chbt – sure
drwi – prolly not
caca – looks like an easy double
chnc – looks good
enhd – blah
drys – have no idea anymore. could double.
esea – blah
bcpc – expensive
nvmi – no
drwi – blah
cmdi – no revs?
chop – bleh..
MILL – i’m currently in discussions with bobwins and he’s talking with management. it looks ok. I think that the $300M of net present value of the acquisition is overstated. they forecasted by 2011 $30M of revenues off that… so that limits the upside. i know that i dont know the oil/gas mixture of what they are pumping and that they are fragmented into things like pumps that only pump 0.5 barrels per day, lol… and they want to raise that to 2.
telt – it isn’t my kind of growing company with positive book value, wouldn’t be good for me to try to value it. income fluctuates positive and negative
rodm – i dont own them, but they could heat up as the chinese ipo market heats up. i just don’t know if they’ll be able to keep it up.. i feel that a lot of the deals that they made their money on screwed shareholders and the company.. the latest nep deal was reasonable, however. i mean, they could be a bargain right now, but again, this isn’t the predictible kind of commpany that i like to buy, but i like rodm more than telt.
nep – like this one, enough said
hwg – looks undervalued, would be curious as to why they had losses in 2007 and 2006, looks like there was a turnaround, maximum upside is $125 in my opinion here.
hwg – blah
ROIAK – looked into this a couple months ago, didn’t buy then. the deals in china are too good. this is underpriced though i think.
roiak – lol – looks like i missed out on roiak eh?
yhgg – what is going on? big potential pinkie, better than SIAF in my opinion, check the ihub boards, i’m posting updates, could be scamtastic
jngw – hurting, check Q2 earnings
yhgg – Q2 check
rdbo – not sure about anything here.
pfap – q2 check
hek – large opportunity, risky. not my bag of tea, tried contacting them, no answer.
sgas – digging deeper
some shippers:
gsl – fools don’t understand this value play. $30M in income and market cap of $80M – Can you see what I see? plus it’s growing as far as i can tell
i need to dig through SSW, ONAV, and ULTR
EROC – haha, wow. you kidding me? hilarious. guidance reaffirmed and no takers.
nrf – another good real estate idea
gsl – good shipper
AMGY – low risk net cash, makes money. what’s up? no trading volume.
CAGM – i say yes. don’t confuse the subsidary CHFY with the stock. looks like a net cash/growth play for little downside risk and definate upside.
GRRF – hmm, maybe would need to understand net income applicable to ADR
gmn – net cash play in canada
TCM – maybe. need to understand adrs
Why? Because it doesn’t make sense not to.
chsh – no – lmao… way to small, why is this public?
chgs – prolly wont lose money.
erhc – no revs
dcrd – no revs
drgv – don’t know, don’t care unless you can tell me a good reason
sgas – chinastockpicker – check late filing
ear – yep
ltus – yep
sgas – triple not enough
gia – nonprofit
xnyh – sure. why not, risky.
sopw – ?
TSTC – well if you’re concerned about EPS of .41 vs. .11 the same quarter last year, what will you be if and when we see an expected EPS of .80 next quarter vs. .68 for the entire year of 2008 ? …………
rdbo – lots of question marks after brief study, gave up
hrbn – p/e of 10, pricey
xnyh – way small
jngw – recent dilution, not sure about the magnitude
puda – bad 10-q = buying opp.
cpqq – good 10-q = i’m holding
TUS – nah
lpih – still a doubler and more
cski – well.. i found this
chio – nah (i talked to someone who liked it)
jgbo – bleh
cnoa – it’s still cheap…
jada – prolly need to buy more
cyxn – dont like turnarounds
akrk – prolly…
ghii – sure
csol – laughs
chda – way small

By admin