All I have to say is… wow! To be honest, I’m never to sure about what’s going to happen. But, if it looks stormy outside or your grandfather’s knees start hurting (a signal of lower pressure, and for you non-geologists/weather familiar people that means that you’re likely close to a storm front. See, high pressure zones run clear skies usually.). Where was I going with this? If you have an undervalued company… If you have a undervalued company and price action is starting to take effect, get ready. My companies these days are undervalued by around 700% on average.

No, as my roomate Mazen would put it — I am not blowing smoke into your a$$hole. They teach us discounted cash flows in MBA school and then they tell us to forget about using them to make stock market investment decisions. The lense I like to look through is the following. Imagine I am a corporate officer of my own company GlenBradford. Now Imagine that I have several projects all with fairly predictable future cash streams attached to them. Wouldn’t it make sense to put down the least amount of money possible to get the most back?

Anyway, Below is my radar and a couple stocks you should watch immediately: GHII, ACAS, CHFI, PUDC. They are catching interest.

By admin