hgsi – wow? I don’t know what to make of this — it’s traded on 12 exchanges, what? a monster profit Q1 of 2009? Is that sustainable? I have no idea. Worth looking at if you understand these type of things. i clearly do not. Something Unusual around $38.9M.
ctic – another one of those non-for-profits as far as i’m concerned
cege – another one of those non-for-profits as far as i’m concerned
agen – not profitable in the last 5 years, negligable revenues, but a profit in q4 of 2008? Haha, too bad the profit is larger than the revenues. Looks like enron math.
htm – not profitable, i’d recommend back a look at dwsn and other geoimaging companies that make money. also maybe a look at GEOY — seems like you like big ideas — these are a few more
tgx – had a huge write down or something in Q4 2008. Profitable through the rest of 2007 and into 2009. But, not profitable enough for it to warrant a buy.
acad – another non-for-profit with negligable revenues.
sclx – rumor is: So 2008 was the first year with full production (100,000 tonnes). Since then they expanded to 350,000 tonnes (March 09) with plans for 1,000,000 tonnes expansion by the end of 2009 and 6,000,000 tonnes by the end of 2010.
khd – haha, this thing had like a P/E of 35. Whoops. still has a P/E of around 8. out of my price range at the moment.
to do:
xjt – someone remind me when this thing goes profitable or warn me before it does
abk – looks like the financial scape goat. this is the ultimate turnaround play. i’m not interested. this is what i see as a stupid risk. see you guys in vegas!
pmi – provides residential mortgage insurance products designed to promote homeownership. aren’t those CDS? Isn’t that what got us into this mess? still.. if this thing can put together some good numbers i’ll hop aboard. right now people are confusing risk with the cheerios they eat for breakfast. Even bad ideas are going up like pmi and abk. Maybe they ran out of milk money and are pouring beer on their cheerios, getting drunk, and trading. This makes me more cautious.
ddrx – looks overpriced. i might short in my CAPS account, Coffee is like private education was 7 months ago, overpriced. This reminds me of when I tried to brew beer-coffee. Didn’t work out too well.
nvax — gross non-for-profit
sqnm — gross non-for-profit
ghdx — gross non-for-profit
fpic – not cheap enough. i’m looking to sift through stock price plane wrecks to find planes still flying, this one is in the air still
feed – already looked at this one, nobody would guess about 2009 for me. might as well stick with HOGS, but i own feed

to do list:
sclx – following up with company
ddrx – short?
utvl – huge growth potential
chcg – revisit
cno – revisit

By admin