Timothy Sykes says dump this cause it’s been hyped.

A few statements I’ve Found:
“My firm Lebed Biz LLC has been compensated by a third-party (Maxim Capital) $20,000 cash for a one-month CHGY investor relations contract. “

“Momo Plays – Momoplays.com has been compensated by a third party the sum of 2500 dollars for a three day awareness campaign for chgy”

I don’t really care about who likes what and all that valley girl jargon. I care about facts. Fact is, companies could be lying to me. That said, I’ll take a walk on the wild side and list a few reasons why I like CHGY.

1. I went quarter by quarter through 2008 and saw that the sale prices were higher than 2007, but CHGY was unable to attack a these higher prices due to expansion and the olympics.

The olympics look to me to have killed $2M of revenue from the Heat Power, not to mention that their 2007 heat power numbers were hurt because of inefficiencies as 2007 was their first year of operation.

Then the whole expansion thing, what you have is CHGY holding onto it’s Annual revenues because the price of coal is going bonkers.

So, then you check the numbers.

Year Annual Production Per ton Weighted Average Price
2004 506,913 $ 10
2005 612,739 $ 24
2006 549,970 $ 24
2007 459,055 $ 25
2008 264,098 $ 58

So, you can confirm that either the company is full of SHIT, or that they actually were expanding and cutting production in 2008. Good news, the new capacity is supposedly 800,000; even though they were talking 1,200,000; and some stock blogger people are chanting 900,000,000

So, what has happened in the stock price? http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=chgy&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p04446711432

CRAP. I missed out on $0.06-$0.30

That’s a MONSTER GAIN! What could possibly be left in this stock? After all, Tim Sykes said it was bad.

Well, this year they increased their EPS and had little to negative impact on their top line Revenues.

With the whole 60% growth in coal mining and the non-occurance of the olympics, $30M in revenues is not out of the question with a coal price of $27. But basically, if they actually expanded, I see no way that they could possibly not have Year-over-Year double digit growth unless prices get trampled. I am a believer in China’s need for energy. I’ll take it. And no, nobody gave me any money to write this; but if they decide to give me money — I’ll let you know.

By admin