The scene: In the past 6 months I’ve been squandering my college tuition money trying to make money by investing in undervalued companies in the midst of the largest financial crisis that we’ve seen in ages. At first, I was setting a fairly low bar to meet my criteria of acceptance. It worked! I was up 30% in the first month. In retrospect, that false positive clouded my judgment. But, I was writing for and knocking back 100,000+ reads an article. What did I care?

Flash forward: So, I’m down roughly 50% from June 2008, and I’m actively jockeying for positions in companies that I simply can’t ignore. The potential upside on these companies will make your head spin. The downside from my perspective is minimal at best, especially when the company is set to make back its share price in earnings over the next 2 years, year, or half a year in a few cases.

First, I’m going to talk about the CFO that has two companies that I’ll be covering. Adam Wasserman is the CFO for both LTUS and GHII. He’s also involved with CWSI, GNPH, CAAH, and several US public entities. From my understanding, he left for China the 10th.

I thought about writing these ideas on a formal website. I’d rather not. I don’t really want people to know about them. I’d rather have people that follow me and my family and friends get on before the plane takes off.

The Buy List:

The Wait List (Actually buys, but you can get them cheaper):

By admin