

Sep 9, 2007

Appreciate what you have before it is gone.

Do what you can do, before you are unable to do so.

Spend time with those you care about.

Back when I was a freshman, I used to wonder if life was only downhill from then. In my case, I think not. I look around me, and I can see why others would take the alternative approach. My life, however, seems to build on a few select great relationships that I steamroll into the essence of who I am. I am Glen. It’s not about who you think you are, its more than that.

In life, we choose who we want to be. I carried this conversation with a girl earlier today that was making decisions that I knew she was going to regret 5 years from now. It was in my best interest to encourage her to make those decisions for fear of her flipping out on me. This is how I operate. When dealing with people that make me feel uncomfortable, I tend to make jokes that they cannot relate to in the effort to get them to walk away from me. Also, I will leave without looking back.

I’ve just realized I have nothing to say of any significance. If I had one piece of wisdom, it would not amount to much more than… You have one life, it’s a journey; make those around you happy and you will be as well.

By admin