

Jun 13, 2007

WHO IS NOT JUST a man, but a manly man? And who today can even say the
words ”manly man” without smirking?


The Manly Man is a swaggering man, carrying himself with pride and
self-assurance. He goes where he wants, wears what he wants and says
what he wants with no fear of condemnation. The Manly Man is not a
quitter. He fully completes one task at a time. Most manly men can do
up to 80 percent of their own mechanic work. Hot metal, burning oil
and caustic chemicals are the manly man’s world.

The Manly Man eats, he does not pick and sort his food. He knows how
to order and can pick his own. He likes spicy and robust foods and has
a fondness for meat. He is not a vegetarian. The Manly Man is not a
quitter. The only magic he might use is the microwave, because of the
possibility this method carries for “blowing things up”.

The Manly Man likes to be entertained. He likes manly music. He
doesn’t listen to that annoying TOP-40 waste of existance. His music
is a reflection of his way of life. It is honest, loud and individual.

In today’s era, The Manly Man feels no need to type in all upper case.
In fact, he doesn’t have a computer. He sees no sense in sitting idle,
waiting patiently for some square box to change a screen colors. The
Manly Man does have a TV, and he Duck Taped the Universal remote to
his forearm to avoid losing it. He doesn’t watch TV.

One might begin to wonder, “What happened to the Manly Man?” To this I
say, “He’s in all of us, we just need to let him free.”

By admin