NAh, there’s still fun things to do on campus. Almost done siding Andy’s house. Got the test blues cause i’ve got some tests lined up this week, yum. Not much is new, but my hair is highlighted for the first time, started at Danny’s and then it continued at the beach. I’m still enjoying acting interested in girls and giving them wrong numbers; that never gets old. If I wasn’t an engineer, I definately could refuse to do any homework and still make passing grades, but where’s the achievement in something like that? Granted, I can’t paint, so art’s out of the question. My stock strategy is breaking even still, damnit. I’ve got to start making money.

IRA shenanigans, Mazen doing dishes in our dishwasher. Snoop dogg, sorry man, you have no taste. Apparently BGR crazy fun is ahead, but I’m perfectly fine right now. I’m what some people would consider ‘big timin’ by building some sort of future. To be honest, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, i’m sure there’s some sort of lazy fun times that i’m missing out on or something while i’m doing homework or working. Blah, enough rambling, this is all some big sherrade so that I don’t have to think. Fine, I’ll admit it. I suppose that I can get back to it. A guy will spend 2 dollars to get a 1 dollar item he wants. A girl will spend 1 dollar to get a 2 dollar item that she doesn’t want.

By admin