Days go by


Jan 31, 2006

Well, today I began my journey of pledgeship at Sigma Nu. Yesterday my BGR bracelet fell off. Tonight spring break plans look like Daytona Beach, taking the pontiac. I’ve been hanging out a lot. Kurt and I were VIP at DU this weekend cause we know how to work the system. BSCEM vs. IE Disney? nobody knows; not even me. What else? The food is too good. I ate with Dennis at Ford. I am finally releaved of woman problems, as well as homework problems.

The beauty of my life is that as of noon today, i had no idea what will be of me in the next years, but now i’m probably going to be a Nu. I just have to get past Ni’s general disappointing disposition towards me, I don’t get it, but at least he’s a good guy. Even if he dislikes me now, things change for the better all the time.

Well, still no idea what i’m doing 10 years from now, probably married? gosh.. that’s a terrible thought, but at 28, it’s probably going to be likely. Dad says i’ll get a divorce, and he’s probably right. But, if a girl can stick with me for 3 months, she will figure me out enough to know where i’m comming from.

I leave now to go study for the test tomorrow. My outlook on life remains focused on my future. A selfish bastardly outlook if you ask me, haha; hopefully I’ll become more compassionate.

By admin