So. Uh. Yeah.


Dec 12, 2005

It’s Monday, tomorrow I get to enjoy two finals, math and chemistry. Last time I checked, I know all the material, but we’ll see. I apparently hinted towards Drew’s stupidity (My RA). Whoopsies? Yeah, it was a rather interesting conversation.

I also tried to forge a Purdue Report card and gave up half way through because the work it takes to make a report card full of D’s and F’s is not worth the immature havoc that it would raise due to the natural importance of grades.

I was at BSU last weekend. Hurray. I did not get to see any of my three favorite BSU people there, Matt, Bill, or Emily. Instead, I ran into people; met them and went on my way because I had to keep a close eye on Peter. God, that kid is very foolish a lot of the time. Plus, I don’t find his sense of humor very funny. He asks me for homework help, eats my food, and says that he will hook me up someday. I don’t think the morning of that day will ever come.

Other than that, I think that a week from now I may magically end up on Florida. I have no idea how all of this always seems to work out for me, but it does. Life is good. I am developing very important relationships now that I think will last me the rest of my life. The greatest part of this is that they are with quality people. In life, decisions and their timing is essential to one’s future. I am getting better at the overall aspects of this when it comes to forming and shaping my future. So far, so good.

I don’t think there is an aspect of my family life that I do not love. I love being me. Although, I would trade bodies with Andy Bandy for $5.oo. He’s just too hot to pass up.

By admin