

Dec 24, 2005

So yeah. This last few days I have spent working hard over a stove for homeless people. I finally found a good use for chemistry goggles. They help a little bit when it comes to chopping onions. And for anyone out there, cutting onions really does make you cry because it just irritates your eyes, especially when you are chopping up say…. 15 or so at a time, it really gets ya. So anyway, I went over to Hope Rescue Mission today and served a bunch of homeless people the food that I had been making and saw about 1/5 of them throw it away. That’s what you never hear about eh? They are homeless and they have nothing going for them, hey I would do the same thing, waste waste waste. But now, I made the local paper cause some crazy reporter lady who whenever asked questions gave off this weird listening face where her eyes popped out and she threw her hand up against her ear to hear better. You could tell she had practiced this pose. It is of no comparison to my superman pose or backstreet pose. Bring it on, but I’m gonna use hers now too, with a twist.

There were a few interesting people, however.

Case 1: The guy and his girlfriend, age about… 20? Anyway, this guy came in with his girlfriend and they both were gangsta as heck and you could tell that he actually cared about her even though he was not all that big, he took care of her. As compared to the other people, there are a lot of homeless guys and very few homeless women. I can imagine why. Not difficult to assess that women in our society always get the upperhand in all situations because they supposedly have what guys want. As for me, I could care less about that ‘somethin something’ that they have to offer. I wish it would go away.

Case 2: The bastard guy. This guy comes in, gets all the food, eats the sloppy joe and throws the rest away and walks out, all of which he does with a gangsta limp and a look of indignation all over his face.

Wow, apparently i’m dissing homeless people. I guess that I simply don’t understand why they cannot find within themselves to develop the skills and talents that they could use to get a home and job. But hey, apparently they get kick-ass meals at the homeless shelter, applebees, smokey-bones, and a bunch of other local food places donate to the meals. Rock on!

Reminds me of the time when me and my boyfriend (curt) went up to canada and got really pissed off about the whole homeless situation up there cause .. blah. Exactly.

A few thanks, Thanks to Beth Anne Ditz.
Jim Barrett is still cool.
The EHUM Gang Rules.
I am gonna nab santa and steal all of his presents so all of u dont get any!

By admin