

Dec 31, 2005

After playing a couple hours of ping pong late at night, some halo, and boxing; I wondered why I was so excited for tomorrow (now today). Sadly, like GMA Wolf pointed out. New Years is no big celebration. Sure, my dad is blowing a few hundred dollars, maybe a few thousand; and leaving the home completely unoccupied; perfect for my own celebration of sorts, but; what I am really excited about… starts in 6 hours. Goodwill 50% off sale.

Basically, with a 50% off sale, show up early, get the good stuff, and run away with $400 worth of clothes for only $40. It’s basically a 90%+ off everywhere else store.

Goodwill is better than abercrombie because it sells abercrombie clothes. The same applies to all stores. I do, however, find it disgusting that goodwill sells thongs and underwear and socks. GRoSS!!! Other than that, their shirt and jacket and belt selections are astounding and I will stick to Kohls for pants, shoes, socks, and even underwear. Sorry Goodwill.

New Years, here I come. I have no resolutions except.. Well, I’ll be damned. I’ll make one. My new years resolution is to… *thinks deeply* (goal being the overall betterment of my life) eh what the hell, i’ll do an easy one. I’ll work out my legs.
Total body workout now! woot.

Another thing, stop texting me! I’m over my 50 out of ‘IN’ network texts. U guys are killing me!

By admin