Fat Day


Nov 22, 2005

Turkey Day has finally come within sight. As far as I am concerned. Life to me can be a lot like walking on top of a small sphere. You can only see a few steps ahead of you, but you know that they lead to further steps. I can only think a few days in advance. I am ready to hang out with my family and eat and be merry. I hope that I can live up to their usual expectations. In fact, I think that I might go as far as to say that life is all about buildng up and maintaing expectations from various influential people in one’s life. The sooner that a person masters that ability, the more ‘successful’ they will become.

Keep it real. I think I might finally be going to 112 this weekend. I have tried to get there before, but neither did I have the maturity nor the balls. Now, I know that I can handle anything that comes at me out of one of those situations and I might even venture to say that I would be the surprise hot guy that all the girls want to dance with. Boastful I know, but who would not kill to be with an engineer with personal skills like communication and fascination with crazy dancing skills, who can pay the bills, make the kills, do the deeds and please your needs? Exactly. I have always been open to crazy ideas. I finished that 106 matlab paper strip re-assembly tonight. Thank GOD!

How many times does it take to lick a tootsie roll before you get to the center? According to Calc three and volume equations and assuming that your saliva has the average consistincy and acidity of the average human being and you are licking at a decreasing rate due to the diminishing returns theory of economics, the approximate lick ticket is currently ranging at 509.4 licks to get to the center.

By admin