It's what I need


Oct 22, 2005

I need to get over people. There are so many opportunities out there and I feel like I’m screwing around and stuff. I am currently planning to be a CEM major. Sounds good I guess. I just want to have fun. I do have fun most of the time. But, I accidently got a little attached to Lenka, who has been blowing me off. Her friends tell me to get away from her and I am trying. I had fun when I was with her. Now, I don’t have fun when I am with her. Bingo! I just realized that that’s a problem! Alright, since my goal in life is to maximize the fun that I am having and I am not having fun with Lenka anymore because I see no future in her, I need to go out and find a new girl who appreciates all I have to give. I have a lot of talents and skills and abilities and I like to think that I am a really great guy. Everything I have done up till college was simply to make sure that I could meet the greatest girl ever and she would like me too. I felt Lenka was this girl and wow.. I was so wrong! Haha, she felt like she was settling for me. I am pretty sure I did the same for her. Here’s a promise, I am all about whoever I am with. I want a commitment. To me, it is all about being able to share everything with another person. That is important.

To the next girl I meet that I might date, I hope that you can give this to me. Most girls say that they want what I have to offer and that no guy can ever offer it. On those blog things about the perfect guy, I have always tried to model myself after them. To me, I always plan on making my girlfriend more important than me. I will sacrafice even if it hurts later.

To me, I need to spend time where there is a future. Classes are great and all. It’s not about where you get, but how you get there. Apparently I am getting somewhere, but who cares if I am not having fun. I must maximize fun.

Oh yeah, and I like.. quit Triangle .. I was a pledge there and it just wasn’t working out for me. Everyone was great but something just was missing. I am still interested in the greek system and I visited Sigma Chi, where my cuz is at at Ball State, but I don’t think I liked that much. Then I went to Acacia and was like holy shit! this is so my style! haha. I loved it. I am going to one of their things tonight.

Tim is a cool mofo. I met some Trinity girl again last night and she had green underwear and made no sense. Sean kept playing WOW and I was like wow, we need to get this kid to do something. He’s a quitter before he even starts.

Eating is so hard because I am never hungry. Girls called me anorexic and that really hurt. I mean it really hurt. Like a lot. Since then, I have been trying to eat even more, but I end up eating less. I dont know.
I still love life. I love dancing. I am going dancing tonight! Yay!

By admin