Watt’s statements of fact and opinion may be used fruitfully towards the substantive merit of claims made in the cases.


Even so, much ado is being made of one of the battles fought in the Jacob/Hindes case (and others facing issues of standing). That battle is waged to overcome the invoking of HERA’s statutes that give nearly complete power over the GSEs to FHFA (4617(b)(2)(A)) and that bar derivative suits on behalf of the GSEs via the anti-injunction clause (4617(f)).

This is being done in the Plaintiffs briefs by clearly demonstrating FHFA’s manifest conflicts of interest, an exception with legal precedents that loosens the bindings of that statute (4617(f)) prohibiting derivative suits.

See: http://gselinks.com/Court_Filings/Jacobs_Hindes/15-00708-0023.pdf see pages 50-53 and notes for those pages.





By admin